Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Creativity lacks...

So this whole not having a job thing is getting kinda old.  I basically spend all of my time either playing team fortress 2 or working on my web development skills.  Which, I might add, have expanded considerably since even a month ago.  My website, according to my standards, is pretty awesome and other than external scripts, doesn't contain any javascript.  I'd like to be out taking pictures, but there's only so much you can take a picture of when all you have is the apartment and it's immediate surroundings being as I don't have a car yet and all, which also leads back to the job thing.  I've been trying to think of a good website idea to implement with my newfound web building skills.  It's gotta be really good to compete with the likes of facebook...

Still no good ideas...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Maggie can ALMOST talk

I took Maggie, my niece's 9-month pictures the other day. A lot more turned out better than I thought were going to, as far as sharpness goes. Here's a few that I captured: